Online Public Information Meeting
May 8, 2024

Highway 78 Virtual Public Meeting 2024

The information presented here is the information that was presented at the Public Meeting on August 31, 2021. 
For the most recent information on the project, please refer to the Home page.


Purpose of Meeting

The purpose of the Public Information Meeting is to update the community on the project, present the results of traffic studies, introduce the preliminary alternatives, and gather input on the Preliminary Alternatives.

Overview of Project

Charleston County, in cooperation with the South Carolina Department of Transportation (SCDOT), proposes to make improvements to Hwy 78 from Rivers Avenue (US 52) to Berlin G. Myers Parkway (SC 165).

Links to Download Meeting Handouts 

Project Study Area

The Hwy 78 Corridor Improvements project runs along the Hwy78 corridor from Rivers Avenue (US 52) to Berlin G. Myers Parkway (SC 165).

The BCDCOG Lowcountry Rapid Transit (LCRT) project is within the project limits from the Exchange Park & Fairgrounds to Rivers Avenue (US 52). The LCRT project within these limits will be accounted for in the Hwy 78 Project and is anticipated to be constructed before Hwy 78 improvements go to construction.
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Project Study Area

Purpose & Need

Charleston County will continue to develop and refine the Project Purpose and Need with the project team, local and federal government agencies, and stakeholders based on data gathered during Phase 1 of the proposed project. The Purpose and Need as currently defined is described below.
Preliminary Project Purpose and Need
The purpose of the proposed project is to accommodate projected increases in traffic volume by improving roadway capacity, efficiency of key intersections, and system continuity throughout the project limits. This section of roadway serves as a principal arterial that has historically experienced an increase in traffic due to regional growth and currently sustains operations that exceed the capacity of the current roadway system which are projected to worsen over time.
  • Improve capacity along HWY 78 from Rivers Avenue to Berlin G. Myers Parkway.
  • Provide safe opportunities for bicyclists and pedestrians
  • Reduce congestion and increase capacity at key intersections along the project corridor.

Project Map


Due to the unknown environmental impacts associated with the proposed project, this project will be divided into multiple phases. Phase 1 will include the notice of intent, project scoping, and studies required to determine the appropriate level of environmental documentation. Subsequent phases of development will be at the discretion of Charleston County based on the results of the first phase. The anticipated proposed milestones are listed below. Click to enlarge.
*All dates are subject to change and will be updated as the project development progresses.
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Environmental Process

The Federal Environmental Process requires that a detailed analysis be prepared if any federal agency is undertaking a major federal action, which may be through federal funding or issuance of a federal permit such as an Army Corps of Engineers Section 404 Wetlands Permit. The detailed analysis is used to assess how a major infrastructure improvement project will affect both the natural and human environment, and to ensure that the chosen alternative has the least amount of environmental impact.

During the Environmental Process, an extensive environmental review will take place in order to complete a rigorous analysis of the project study area and to examine reasonable alternatives for the improvements. The environmental review will incorporate steps taken to avoid, minimize or mitigate environmental impacts for the preferred alternative and to ensure public participation is incorporated into the decision-making process.
Environmental ProcessView Graphic

Project Development Phase 1


The following Traffic related tasks would occur during Phase 1:
  • Establish existing traffic conditions on corridor including:
    • Congestion and delay
    • Crash history
    • Origin/ Destination characteristics
  • Analyze and compare future projected conditions for the following scenarios:
    • Future No Project alternative
    • Corridor Widening alternatives
    • Intersection Improvement alternatives
  • Develop preferred alternative(s) based on transportation analysis results
  • Project is being coordinated with other transportation efforts in the area such as Lowcountry Rapid Transit


  • Agency and stakeholder scoping
  • Public involvement
  • Identification of potential natural and human environmental issues
  • Alternative Analysis
    • Comparing ability of alternatives to meet project purpose and need, costs, environmental impacts, and results of project scoping and public involvement efforts.
  • Recommendation of feasible alternatives to be carried forward

Alternative Analysis

A Range of Alternatives was developed using data from previous studies, traffic modeling and evaluation, environmental impacts, agency input, and community and stakeholder input. The Range of Alternatives were funneled through Screening Level 1, which evaluated each alternative based on the purpose and need and minimum design criteria.

Alternatives that passed Screening Level 1 are considered Preliminary Alternatives, shown as Alternatives 1 - 4. The Preliminary Alternatives will now be funneled through Screening Level 2, which will evaluate each alternative based on the following criteria:
  • Traffic Operations
  • Constructability & Maintenance of Traffic
  • Public & Stakeholder Input
  • Cost
Alternatives that pass Screening Level 2 will be considered Reasonable Alternatives. Reasonable Alternatives will undergo additional design and analysis.
Alternatives ScreeningView Graphic
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Ladson/College Park

In 2019, after reviewing traffic studies for the Lowcountry Rapid Transit project, Charleston County identified that the 3 intersections at Hwy 78 at College Park Road, Hwy 78 at Ladson Road, and Ladson Road at College Park Road are key to traffic delays experienced in the corridor. The traffic study included four alternatives consisting of multiple configurations to help alleviate current congestion experienced at these intersections and a traffic analysis was performed to review each configuration. Alternative 4 was selected as the Preferred Alternative for the Ladson/College Park Intersection and it will be evaluated in more detail as part of the Hwy 78 project design.

Intersection Preferred Alternative

  • Relocates the intersections of US 78at College Park Road and Ladson Road at College Park Road.
  • Signalizes the intersection of Ladson Road at College Park Road.
  • Reconfigures US 78 at the intersection of US 78 at Ladson Road.
  • Ancrum Road approach becomes right-in/right-out.
  • Widens College Park Road to a 5- lane section between US 78 and Ladson Road.

Traffic Improvements

When comparing the Level of Service (LOS) between a three-lane section (consisting of two travel lanes and a two-way center turn lane) from Berlin G. Myers to the Fairgrounds (Alternative 2) and a five-lane section (with four travel lanes and a two-way center turn lane) in the same area (Alternatives 3 and 4), the three-lane section exhibits better performance and experiences less decline in the later year (2049) as analyzed in the traffic study. While a five-lane section would offer additional capacity, it also is shown to attract more traffic to the corridor for users from the Summerville area to access I-26 and points east.

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Traffic Analysis

The Project Team completed a Traffic Study that analyzed the existing and future conditions for the no-build and the build alternatives. This study looked at Level of Service at intersections along the corridor and segments of Hwy 78. The project team then uses this data to determine how an alternative meets the purpose and need of the project.

Years analyzed: 2029, 2039 and 2049.

Incorporated Projects:
  • Lowcountry Rapid Transit 30% Design
  • Berlin G. Myers Pkwy Extension
Traffic volumes:
  • Approximately 48,000 daily vehicles south of College Park Road/Ladson Road area
  • Approximately 16,000 daily vehicles north of College Park Road/Ladson Road area
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Charleston County Public Works 
Transportation Engineering
Lonnie Hamilton III Public Services Building
4045 Bridge View Drive, Suite B309
North Charleston, SC 29405
© Highway 78 Corridor. 
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